Monday, March 9, 2009

The Worm

The only people who will know what I am talking about just by looking at the title would have to be two of my older sisters. I will tell you the first story so you will kind of get a background of where this story is leading to.

My sisters took me to the Imperial fair. Now anyone who knows me sisters know that they have a reputation for being the cool ones in school... well I do not have that reputation.
First we went into the dance and a up-beat song came on. People spread into a circle and started showing their moves. Everyone was doing something and than I saw a guy attempt to do The Worm... i thought to myself hey I can do that. So I got down and did the worm right in the middle of the circle not thinking that my sisters would be on the sidelines petrified at the sight of their younger sister embarrasing them. I never lived that story down, anyone my sisters could tell they did tell and still to this day laugh around the table as they bring up the story of me doing the worm at the fair.... after that my sisters made me promise I would never do that again. So I did promise...

so sadly I am sorry to them now that I have broken their promise. Before you start to judge a girl who is about to turn 18 and still preforms the worm hear my story out.

I had sport class today in my new school. I found out that we dance in sport class. They broke us off into two groups one were the ballet/ or more smooth moves so to speak.. and the other which i was in was more towards the hip-hop range and rap style dancing. We were suppose to get togehter with our groups and come up with some moves that everyone wanted to do. We started off with just popping, and doing some foot work.. but the girls wanted to throw in some other moves that they had to do on the ground. They first attempted the Coffee grinder, and some tried that move where you lay on your back and kick up your feet and land standing erect and that didnt work. Than they starting saying they wanted to do the welle... which is the wave. They were all on the groud trying to do the worm, and one girl asked if I could do it. I shyly said yes thinking back to the time of the fair. The girls than said oh show us show us... I said no no, but they were like oh please. Than the teacher came over and told me to show them so I felt like I had to. I did it for a split second and all the girls starting going OHH wow and applauding. At first I felt embarrased about doing the worm again but the reaction from the girls made me feel alot better about it. So I was trying to teach them the worm while the whole time I was laughing in my head at the sight of my sisters as they watched an entire class being taught by me how to do the worm :D.

After the class all the girls asked where I learned how to dance, and wanted to know how I can do that. So even though I did break my promise and me doing the worm is pretty much banned in the U.S.A at least I can show off my immature talent here in germany.

Thats right I am the master of The Worm in germany :D


chad.02 said...


smost said...

Oh my!! I laughed as soon as I read the title even though you downplayed my went like this. At the Imperial fair dance (coolest dance of the summer) I was minding my own business when I saw a CIRCLE of people crowded around ONE person laughing and chanting for more I decided I'd take a looksie and to my horrifying surprise I see YOU doing the WORM in front of everybody!!! We should of handcuffed you to the bleachers..or a bale of hay since it is the county fair.

chad.02 said...

i woulda thought it was awesome had i been there.

but i guess that's why i'm the cool one...

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh I laughed as soon as I saw the title to!!! What a funny memory and you shall never live it down...BWAHAHAHA! That's what sister are for to bring up all those funny moments.

smost said...

Who is this strange Rachel character that has stumbled upon your blog? We have not seen her in any posts before and she thinks she can just walk in and out like she owns this blog.

Hannah said...

haha nice verboten!! are you working on your german chad... or did you just remember that word?... yes chad you are the cool one the only one that can truley appreciate my worm :D.. as for this sarah and rachel person their just jelous ;)

chad.02 said...

mom never sent me the rosetta stone software to practice with...grrr!

i've forgotten already about 85% of what i learned in class and about 92.7% of what i learned in germany.

luckily being the cool one allows me to dismiss those things as trifles.

The sisters and me said...

I was laughing all the way through your blog. Just one question...are you going to repeat the worm and give Abby and Christine the memory of Germany? Noooo not Hollywood Disco.

Oh Chad I forgot GRRRRRR.

Rachel, I almost didn't know who it was at first. I guess you couldn't resist the calling of the blog