Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today I went with my new host family to the movies. This is the first time I have been to the movie theaters here in germany. When i first walked in a noticed just how many movies were playing. It wasnt what I was use to because in Ogallala there are only two movies there at a time.... here there were more than a dozen to choose from. We picked our movies and than went to get some snacks. I have been on a really strict diet for the last week or so, so I was just planning to getting something really small.

For christmas my counselor gave me a free snacks ticket for Kinopolis.. so I used that. I got Apfelshorle to drink and than they asked me if I wanted sweet or salty popcorn.. it was weird having a choice of what popcorn I am normally use to only having the choice of how much butter I was to pump onto it. Once I ordered they came with a huge back that looked like someone would order two large popcorns in america and stick them together thats just how big it was... and get this that was the normal size. My host family was sort of laughing because they knew I was on a strict diet and they wished me the best of luck with this giant popcorn. I also thought it was funny how they also sold beer at the movie theaters too..... I just cant escape it :D. Once we walked in I took my seat... each seat literally felt like an arm chair.. well without the leather.. it was not one of those crapy pull the seat down before you sit on them sort of thing.. and there was so much leg room no bumping into people when you walked by them to get to your seat or when you sat down you didnt have to bunch you feet underneath your chair... the only problem was there were no cup holders.... ohh how i missed the cup holders instead I had to hold my drink the entire movie.. The movie wasnt to bad im pretty sure if it was in english I would of hated it but it was nice because it was in german and I could understand it all because they talked so slowly.

Once again another story to add to the book of something new I did in germany!


The sisters and me said...

Was your popcorn sweet or salty?

You'll never look at the pull down seats the same when you get back!

It's funny... in Ogallala we sell fancy coffee in the theater, and in Germany they sell beer.

chad.02 said...

gotta say i'm a big fan of the ogallala theater for that reason