Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 5 and 6

Day 5.. I took another day off and just hung out with my host family, and than I hung out with Margy for a little bit.

Day 6.. I went to the parade in Rheinbach, I was with Jordan, and Clint... Clint was taking pictures while I was collecting candy. I felt like a little kid yelling for candy.. and the funny thing was that instead of getting candy people would come around with free beer, and shots. I cant complain it was free after all. I did end up with a wide sack of candy though, and I think clint got alot of good photos. Jordan was probably just glad to get out of the house, and I was just glad to be busy.

To bad today was my last day in Karneval, I really like just being able to wake up in the morning... put on my costume head out the door, and always having something to do. It was such a good expierence being here for Karneval, I cant imagine going back to america and not having holidays like this there. True we have alot of other holidays that we celebrate, like halloween, valentines day, st. patricks day, but they have really traditional holidays that not just a handful of people celebreat... everyone celebrates them too. Such as St. Martins day when kids walk aroudn with lamps, or the well known Oktoberfest, now they have Karneval. Im sure there are other holdiays that I have missed out on but I think its great to be able to be here to see and be a part of all of this. When weeks like this go so well its sad to think I will be leaving in 2 months. But I am really glad that I can see the end. Its funny how slowly I am changing, I seen anyone from home for so long, and even though I miss everyone so much its not the end of the world anymore. At first I was thinking how would i be able to do it.. since our family is so close and so big that there are always people there, but its sort of nice being able to step on my own, and do things that no one else has done and in that way by doing them myself.. i feel like ive accomplished more.

Karneval was great, and its sad that its over... I guess whats next is for some of the family to come and visit... which is the next thing I am looking forward to.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

4th Day

Today was going to be another day of rest for me. I woke up this morning feeling like my gut was eating itself, i felt sick to my stomache and didnt want to have another drink for a LONG time. Leave it to my guest family to keep the party going.

I woke up this morning to a great breakfast. My host mom had out all the good stuff to eat. I didnt wake up until 10 so I ate a little for breakfast and an hour later my host dad was popping open the sect. I didnt want to upset my family so I drank it. I drank it as fast as I could so than I didnt have to longate the process of my stomach hurting, but than I guess since I drank my the fastest I won. What did I win another glass full of sect. I was glad when I heard the drums starting for the parade to start... that meant no more alchole for me.

I went with my host brother and his friends and we were walking down the street. They were playing all the traditional Karneval songs and people were dancing in the street and people were giving away beer... literally. The parade started and everyone was in costume, the people in the crowds were also wearing costumes too, the people in the parade were throwing out candy on every float... not just once piece here and there so kids could fight over it.. They were literally throwing buckets out. I had to cover my head because candy was being dumped right out the sides the the floats. My host family and I collected so much candy, it was every kids fantasy to get as much candy as we did. My host mom told me that if I didnt like the candy just to throw it at the kids...haha no i didnt hit the kids I would just toss it so they would get it. Kind of like fetch but with children and candy and they never brought it back. Some of the people in the parades were giving out beer to, and every other float people would hand out plastic shot glasses and give everyone a shot of some kind of liqour. I thought it was funny because I could just imagine being in Ogallala and having the people pass out beer, and shots. Everyone would think they were crazy or would look down apon them, but here everyone was okay with it.

The weather was not so good either so people were dacing and drinking in the rain. My host family made the comment that people in germany drink in bad weather, and its true. All the drinking holidays are when there is bad weather. The parade was great and I wish I would of had a camera to take photos of it because it was really fun to watch. Normally when I go to parades Im just waiting for the end of them, I never really cared to much for them but here parades werent just for the kids, adults were yelling for candy just as much as the kids were.
Once the parade was over we headed back to the house... where my host family popped open another bottle of sect. Luckly this time though I drank it so slow that the whole bottle was gone before I finsihed mine.

Tomorrow I will be going to a even bigger parade in Koln, and than maybe bonn and there are usually a million people watching these parades so it will be like twice the size of omahas parade..:D it will be great.

3rd Day

I was invited to three parties and had to choose which one to go to. It was kind of hard choosing because the party in Rheinbach had a lot of the girls from school I hang out with. The party in a small dorf outside of Rheinbach had some more of the girls I hang out with, and than a party in berg with the guys I hang out with. Filipe the other exchange student was going to berg so I decided I was going to go there with him because than I would have at least one person if everything went wrong to hang out with. The problem was finding a ride to berg. Its not like in America whre all your friends can already drive and they are willing to drive you as long as you pitch in for the gas money. Here you cant drive till 18 and when your going with the 11th class who mostly everyone is 17 its a little tricky finding a ride.

Lucky for me though that on thursday I danced with this guy who invited me to go to Berg too. Him and I met up about 11:30 and hung out all day. He asked me if I was going to the party and I said I wanted to but I didnt have a ride... well in about three minutes after he called some people I know had a ride there. I was pretty happy to be going to antother party and it was really cool that I got invited to alot of them so if i couldent get a ride I could always go to a party that was a little closer to me. The hardest part of the day was finding a costume, the costuem I bought for thursday was already in pretty bad shape, so I decided to take everything that looked really coloful out of my wardrobe which included. PJ bottoms, A bright purple shirt, and a pink tank-top. I didnt know really what look I was going for but decided people could try to imagine what I was. Once I got there to berg I already had made some new girl friends. Its amazing how sometimes when I go places even though im going with guy friends I end up with some more girls who are friends. At first there were not alot of people there so I just got my ticket so I could buy drinks there. Shortly after a half-an-hour alot of the guys came from my school. They were already jumping and dancing before the music even started to get good, and Filipe and I were normally caught right in the middle. The tent where the party was at was pretty cool to. When you were standing outside you could see the lazer lights shining through the tent towards the sky, and when you got in there were bar tables set up all around the sides of the tent so you pretty much walked into the center of a bar. On one half of the tent there were the bars, and the dancing floors, and the DJ.. On the other side there was like a cafeteria for food, and where you could hangup you coats. I had alot of fun dancing with the guys from my school and talking with the girls. Towards the end of the night some girls came from my school so that made things all the better. I dont know what it is about the parties here but it sort of bring everyone together and out of their shell. Some people I had never talked to were talking to me and dancing. Although this party was not quite as amazing as the Thursday party it was still up there on the top party list. But like all things once the older poeple started coming in... and by old I mean grand-pa wise.. things sort of died down and we all went home.

Now lets see what day 4 has in store for me

Friday, February 20, 2009

2nd Day

I started my day off really early leaving to Rheinbach so I could get some money out for the day. I called up Jordan who is the guy from New Zealand and asked if he wanted to go to Pizza Hut and so we went on the train and headed to Bonn. The weather was not very good so there was not alot that we could do outside. While we were in Bonn Filipe the other exchange student from Columbia gave us a call and said he wanted to come to Bonn to. Once Filipe got there we decided to go shopping. Im use to shopping with alot of girls so this was the first time I went shopping with all guys. Filipe said that he likes to shop with girls because they can tell him what looks good on him or not, so I was pretty much the person outside the changing rooms sorta thing telling him if the clothes looked good or not and I was helping him find some clothes to. After awhile two people from germany met with us to Tomas and Lisa. Lisa and I split off from the guys and went looking around the stores. Bonn never ceases to amaze me because everytime I go there it seems to get just a little bit bigger and I discover more and more places to go. It was sort of a day of rest for everyone because of the day before, so we didnt do anything extreme. We picked up a beer but only drank one while we were going through the streets. I dont know how we managed to stay 6 hours wakling around in Bonn but somehow we managed. I did need to find a new costume though because my was ripped. My costume wasnt made out of the best material so it ripped pretty easly when i was taking it off. I decided to just buy a few things and make my own costume instead of spending all the money on a new one. Later that night I was going to go to a Party but pretty much crashed after I got home and I really didnt bother getting back up. I thought that I could spare one night of just sleeping.
Well lets see what happens tomorrow... so far my plans are really random to spend my saturday night, I wish I could be in three places at once so than I could go to all the parties I was invited to but I have to pick one and im trying to pick one that I think I would have more fun at. I still think Karneval is great and I dont see how some people here in Germany dont like Karneval but I guess its like us in halloween some people like it while others dont.

Overal though I had a very restful 2nd day

Thursday, February 19, 2009

1st Day

Today I woke up and right away I had to start getting ready for my first Karneval day... I put on my cowgirl outfit and headed out the door in some heels ( ya ill get back to that later).. I went to Koln and the train there was SO FULL... i was pressed up against the glass and there was no room to even turn around. Each stop more and more people came on leaving barley enough space to breath but finally my stop came up and I got out. Once I stepped out of the train station which is rigth by the Koln Dom... I saw so many people in costumes. It was like a maze getting up the stairs and there were camera crews everywhere taping the event. The streets were full of people singing and laughing and dancing. It was hard not to think of it as one of the Happiest days. I decieded to go to a small concert where there was a band all dressed up and than there was a band dressed up as clowns... another dressed up in british suites. They were all so good... and on every corner there were baloons beign sold, and beer sold by the crates.. which means 12 beers for one crate.. and so on... after being there for a couple hours I headed back to Rheinbach to meet up with some friends before going to another party. I was still in my heels and by this time they were really starting to hurt.. but i bite through the pain and walked to the party.

Only 100 people can get into this party so you have to get there really early if you dont have a ticket.. I didnt have a ticket and the line was so huge I though I would never get in.. but as soon as I got there I heard a bunch of people going AHHH HANNAH its HANNAH... and I flew right into the front of the line. The people were saying somethign and all I hear are all my friends saying shes american let her in.. and so they did :D.. as soon as i got in I gave them my liscese so I could have a wrist band. The people couldent read my wrist band and they gave me a purple wrist band.. for under 16 there is pink, for 16-18 there is orange and for over 18 there is purple. Everyone was laughing and saying ahh your not over 18, and other things too. Being 18 here in Germany is like being 21 in america you can get EVERYTHING you want. As soon as I got there I settled down with some friends and everyone was saying Hi to me and giving me hugs, and as soon as the dancing hall opened I was draged into their and just starting dancing the night away. The dancing hall was filled with decorations and stobe lights and amazing music was on.. they even had a DJ at one point and some Host guy. I had so much fun and I was taking so many photos of all my friends and of all the costumes and of course ME... At some point though which was the worst of the night my camera went missing... at first I thought i had my credit cards in there so I was flipping out and my liscense too.. I even had the tags for my coats to get later which I lost.. a guy friend of mine was so helpful though and was able to talk to the people and pretty soon I went behind and was able to find my coat and bag.. as soon as I looked into my coat I saw that there were my liscnse and all my credit cards... I was so happy and than took of dancing again.

It was such an amazing night I dont know how to explain everything that went on but it sure put everything I have ever seen or been to in my life to shame

What a 1st day of Karneval

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prepare yourself

so Everyone be prepared for alot of blogs coming your way. My original plan was to write about everything I did in one blog once this week was over but now I dont think I will be able to fit everything into on blog so I will be writing them as I expierence them which means ALOT of blogs for you... I will hopefully also post alot of photos so everyone can see what I was doing and when.

so Be prepared


Karneval is a huge fest here in Germany. It's like Halloween except that it lasts all week, you get free beer, you dance in the street, you have parades, and you go to parties... all in your costume. Everyone is suprised that we dont know what Karneval is in America but than again some people dont even know about karneval in germany. All I can say is that I cant wait for tomorrow to start. Ever since I first got here people asked me if I was going to be here for Karneval and they would tell me all the great things about it... the only bad thing I have heard about it is that everyone gets sick, well i think ill take my chances. A month ago I was already purchansing things for my costume. I bet everyone can guess what I am going as... yeah a Cowgirl. I even have a little pistol that goes with it :D.

Today going to school I was a little sceptic because Karneval is tomorrow and I still had no idea what I was going to do for it.. but as soon as I went out for break and joined the 11th class I started getting invitations to everywhere. Such as tomorrow I am going to a party, friday i was invited to go clubbing ( which is pretty normal for a friday now a days :D ) saturday I am meeting up with the exchange students in Koln which is known to be the biggest for Karnval and than later that night I am going to a party in a little dorf ( village ) Sunday I get my break where I can sleep and re-fuel for the next days where I am going to see the little parades.. which really arent a huge parade fest but more of a little train that runs through and throws out candy. Tuesday I am meeting up with freinds and going to the parade in another town, and than wendesday I can sleep before going back to school on Thursday.. So I guess you can say I am going to be pretty busy but having all those plans made in just one day is pretty good.. and not to mention all the other people who wanted my phone number so they could call me when something else came up and they want me to come :D. I wish I could show you pictures now of Karneval but I havent really expiernced it yet. I am pretty glad I have the family that I do now because my host mom is giving me the run down on all the songs in Karneval that I should learn how to sing. Its alot of fun sitting in the kitchen trying to sing these songs though but I'm pretty sure after this week I will have them all down to the point where I can sing it off the top of my head without even thinking.

Today also in school I was able to see the princess of Karneval for this year in Rheinbach. Its amazing how nice some of the costumes are... they really go all out here on what to wear. It will definatly be somehting I will have never seen or expierenced yet.

Da simmer dabei das ist prima, Viva Colonia. Wir lieben das Leben, die Liebe und die Lust, wir glauben an den lieben Gott und haben auch immer Durst.--- try singing that 5 times really fast.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Not Alone

The whole time I have been here I have been alone... no not meaning I have no friends, or family ect... or people who care, I mean alone as in the only exchange student in my school. Alot of people dont realize how out of place they would feel if they were the only one of something in their enviroment. Although I have people do talk to in school, I still felt alone... because they would never understand on the same level what I am going through. Even past exchange students cant help you because this is a differnt culture to you, and the culture they went to was also differnt. Sure they can share some of the same difficulties but they are all at differnt levels.

But I am not alone anymore :D

I went to school on Monday and expecting a normal day, go to class do homework in the class, go to pauses talk, go to the caffeteria back to class, back to pause, than home. Monday was differnt though.. some of my friends were asking each other questions such as who is he? where is he from? where is he now? I of coursed ask who... they told me there was a new exchange student. I was so happy I quickly set out to search for this person. I kept on thinking maybe hes only here for a week, but still I persisted on finding him. I had no luck finding him on Monday, and I tried again on Tuesday... with still no luck. Than someone told me hey there are two exchange students, at first I thought that they were talking about me but than my friend said that another exchange student is here.... I thought to myself MAN I HAVE TO FIND THEM.. Finaly on wendesday i got my break, I noticed a guy whom i never seen before standing with some people from the 11th class, they go into the cafeteria and I follow...( yeah I guess I was kind of being a stalker), I saw him in the line and tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he was an exchange student. I was half embarrased for asking a random person because if he wasnt an exchange student he might be offended but luckly i tapped the right person. I almost jumped I was so happy, than he points to another guy next to him and says hes an exchange student too. Than I noticed something Oh their talking in english, I almost jumped again.

I get to speak alot of english with Margy and Clint but other than that I really cant have a full conversation with anyone else. The first guy began to tell me who he was and where he was from. His name is Jordan and He comes from New Zeland, and the other guy said in a spanish accent that his name is Filipe and hes from Columbia. This was their first week here so I knew they really didnt know what to expect so I tried filling them in on as much as I could in 5 minutes. I may have been a little to forward but now thinking back on it I would of loved someone coming up to me the first week and talking to me about some of the things that are going on and just get a better feel of being an exchange student.

Its so nice to finally have another exchange student in my school so that when I really just want to have a nice long convorsation I can go and talk to them, its a little hard talking to Filipe because he speaks spanish ( which I am now regretting that I never rememberd) but he speaks pretty good english I just feel bad because I know I like it when I get to speak english because sometimes I just get so sick of speaking in german somedays because it takes alot of effort sometimes but at least people here can speak some english but not alot can speak any spanish. Jordan speaks really proper english so I can have a conversation with him. I know that it may seem like its not a big thing for alot of people having another exchange student with them but sometimes it a little refreshing knowing that there are other people in your school knowing exactly how it is an feels. I am pretty happy that I am not alone in school anymore ( exchange student wise) and I really hope that I can give them a good start in their exchange.