Friday, September 12, 2008

Lost words

I have now been in Germany for almost two months, now in writing that does not seem like a long time. But for me it seems like a lifetime I have been here already. I was told that one day the language would dawn on me and I would recognize that I understand what people are saying. Now that has happened to me quite abit, sometimes I listen to convorsations, and even though I cannot translate it exactly from german to english I still get the meaning of what they are trying to say. I think when it dawned on me that I am starting to learn more each day was actually in the strangest place; it was in my english class.

Jasmin and I had to write a text over an advertisment of VW. We had a piece of paper that had everything we should include in our text. I love writing speeches, so I always have a hard time just simply writing it in text form and adding no topic sentences, or transistion sentances, or rhetorical questions, or figures of speech. I love to include all of these things when I am writing, so eventually I gave up writing in text form and did it in more of a speech from. I put my three points of contention in my first paragraph, and my last paragraph I left them with a great closing. I also get carried away sometimes when I am writing and I do not realize just how much I am writing. So I did have to cut my "speech" a little bit shorter. I was finally done with it and was ready to hand it into the teacher. Now of all the classes I am taking english is one of my best subjects....imagine that. Well before we handed it in we had to give our homework to the person sitting next to us, so they could proof read it. I had already proof read my piece time and time again so I was thinking to myself that I had not a single mistake in my entire piece. The person sitting next to me was jasmin as usual, so I gave her my work and she gave me hers. I started to get carried away with jasmin´s paper and putting in little detailed corrections, and adding sentances. I really cant help it when I am writing or reading to do those things. So I gave her, her paper back and she was glad that I added to her work because now it was a full page. I looked down at my sheet and to my surprise there were check marks. I couldent believe it, that I was wrong in english class. So I looked at all the checks and realized that I spelt all the words right. I asked jasmin what is wrong with these words, and she smiled and said that they are right, so i asked her than why did you check them and she said they are right... but in german, we are in english class. I relized that I had spelt words in german. For example object in english is objekt in deutsch. It was not just little words like that either, I had forgotten how to spell words in english, simple little words that I never thought I would spell wrong. Its as if someone just hit me in the back of the head, and I than realized that I was losing my words. I than went through all the things I have written in english and discovered that I had mispelled so many words, and that I have forgotten my vocabualry. The strange thing is that I am happy I am forgetting english because than I will be able to speak better deutsch. It was definatly something I did not expect to happen, and in just under two months too.

I have lost words in my head in english, but gained them in deutsch.


The sisters and me said...

Hannah, I see what you mean. uh .... You spelled 'german' wrong..
Love you, Doug (HUGS)

Sheri said...

Hi Hannah!! Finally had a chance to check your blog! ;-) I think it would be really hard to be able to spell, think in a different language and not sometimes get the two mixed up!! lol - Hope you are having a great time. Hugs, Prayers & Love from Sheri, Dad and the Boys!!