Thursday, February 19, 2009

1st Day

Today I woke up and right away I had to start getting ready for my first Karneval day... I put on my cowgirl outfit and headed out the door in some heels ( ya ill get back to that later).. I went to Koln and the train there was SO FULL... i was pressed up against the glass and there was no room to even turn around. Each stop more and more people came on leaving barley enough space to breath but finally my stop came up and I got out. Once I stepped out of the train station which is rigth by the Koln Dom... I saw so many people in costumes. It was like a maze getting up the stairs and there were camera crews everywhere taping the event. The streets were full of people singing and laughing and dancing. It was hard not to think of it as one of the Happiest days. I decieded to go to a small concert where there was a band all dressed up and than there was a band dressed up as clowns... another dressed up in british suites. They were all so good... and on every corner there were baloons beign sold, and beer sold by the crates.. which means 12 beers for one crate.. and so on... after being there for a couple hours I headed back to Rheinbach to meet up with some friends before going to another party. I was still in my heels and by this time they were really starting to hurt.. but i bite through the pain and walked to the party.

Only 100 people can get into this party so you have to get there really early if you dont have a ticket.. I didnt have a ticket and the line was so huge I though I would never get in.. but as soon as I got there I heard a bunch of people going AHHH HANNAH its HANNAH... and I flew right into the front of the line. The people were saying somethign and all I hear are all my friends saying shes american let her in.. and so they did :D.. as soon as i got in I gave them my liscese so I could have a wrist band. The people couldent read my wrist band and they gave me a purple wrist band.. for under 16 there is pink, for 16-18 there is orange and for over 18 there is purple. Everyone was laughing and saying ahh your not over 18, and other things too. Being 18 here in Germany is like being 21 in america you can get EVERYTHING you want. As soon as I got there I settled down with some friends and everyone was saying Hi to me and giving me hugs, and as soon as the dancing hall opened I was draged into their and just starting dancing the night away. The dancing hall was filled with decorations and stobe lights and amazing music was on.. they even had a DJ at one point and some Host guy. I had so much fun and I was taking so many photos of all my friends and of all the costumes and of course ME... At some point though which was the worst of the night my camera went missing... at first I thought i had my credit cards in there so I was flipping out and my liscense too.. I even had the tags for my coats to get later which I lost.. a guy friend of mine was so helpful though and was able to talk to the people and pretty soon I went behind and was able to find my coat and bag.. as soon as I looked into my coat I saw that there were my liscnse and all my credit cards... I was so happy and than took of dancing again.

It was such an amazing night I dont know how to explain everything that went on but it sure put everything I have ever seen or been to in my life to shame

What a 1st day of Karneval


Holly said...

I was visualizing a train full of barley--thought maybe it was a euphamism for beer.

chad.02 said...

nice catch holls.

man that sounds like a great time. i really wish we had more celebrations like that here in the states (halloween doesn't count methinks). maybe i need to move to a town that has some sort of annual or quarterly local celebration...

as long as there are costumes and silliness!